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NOTICING THE BODY’S WISDOM & MINDFULNESS | This retreat is an opportunity to learn from the body’s wisdom by becoming aware of what the body holds and the deeper knowledge it can offer. We will also attend to and respect the body through the practices of mindfulness. Techniques used are offered in a safe, gentle and boundaried manner, respecting the privacy of participants.
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 13/02/21 | From a boat, to the shore of a lonely place: healing, the hungry are fed, the fragments are gathered.
FEEDING OF THE 5,000 15/02/21 | From a boat, to the shore of a lonely place: healing, the hungry are fed, the fragments are gathered.
THE ARAMAIC LORD’S PRAYER | A morning, soaking in Jesus’ profound and beautiful prayer in its original language.
THE WOMAN IN ADULTERY. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. (John 8:6b) A retreat seeking wisdom from Jesus’ responses in this Gospel text.
THE WOMAN IN ADULTERY. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. (John 8:6b) A retreat seeking wisdom from Jesus’ responses in this Gospel text.
A compelling, passionate witness to life lived in the Risen Christ, Paul a dedicated builder of Christian community and writer of Scripture, lived deeply from the ground of his deep faith. After his dramatic and life-changing conversion, he spent time in the desert – so we begin by following Paul into the desert and then seek to explore his challenging and profound experience of faith. This is a 4 week course and participants should attend all sessions if they are able to.
Thursdays 6.30-9pm April 15th, 22th, 29th, May 6th
IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY | An Introduction to Ignatian discernment and The Examen.
The Desert Fathers and Mothers were pioneers of the inner life. Compelled into the silence of the desert in order to live more for God and to explore the nature of prayer and what it means to be human, they battled with their demons, nurtured inner stillness and yearned for purity of heart. Many were formidable human beings and what they became in the desert forms a deeply significant part of our Christian heritage. Following Christ’s journey into the wilderness, their spirituality has had a huge influence on Christianity.