Holy Island Retreats (non-residential)

Our time in this sacred place will include 7 two hour retreats. Enjoying spiritual reflection, time to be creative and focusing on Celtic Christianity, we'll be retreating to this beautiful island of St Aidan and St Cuthbert, which has been called ‘a thin place’, an ancient place of beauty. We will explore various ways to pray, from Ignatian guided imaginative prayer to a modern version of 'The Scriptorium'. A key theme will be the beautiful spirituality concerning Saint Cuthbert. Hosted in the lovely St Cuthbert's Centre in the middle of the village, we'll have a spacious and comfortable place to be in. If you wish, you may also partake of optional spiritual direction. Living with the peaceful rhythm of this tidal island, you may wish also to build into your time there a rhythm of prayer. You may also choose to simply take time out to simply 'be'. These retreats always seem to be graced with insight, enjoyment and spiritual depth. Holy Island is a wonderful place to retreat to!



Monday 6th to Friday 10th October 2025

Monday 12th to Friday 16th October 2026

Please book accommodation asap to avoid disappointment.

St Aidan's Sculpture by Kathleen Parbury

The 7 retreat sessions will take place 7.30-9.30pm on Monday, 10am-12pm and 7-9pm on Tuesday, 10.30am-12.30pm and 7.30-9.30pm on Wednesday, 10.30am-12.30pm on Thursday, then 10.15am-12pm on Friday. You'll need to choose and sort out your own accommodation and meals - this gives you the freedom to stay where you feel comfortable. To express an interest in attending and for further information, please contact: Donna Worthington: Retreat Leader

Further information regarding accommodation on Holy Island can be found here >>>

St Cuthbert’s Island

Donna Worthington
Retreat Leader, Donna Worthington
