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THE LITTLE SEA HARE STORY | We explore this compelling fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, and explore through discussion, images, a character’s soul-journeying etc. in order to dive deep into this wonderful literature. 29th Jan, 2-5pm
THE LITTLE SEA HARE STORY | We explore this compelling fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, and explore through discussion, images, a character’s soul-journeying etc. in order to dive deep into this wonderful literature.
THE WOMAN WITH THE HAEMORRHAGE (Luke 8:40-48) | A countercultural text of liberation and a journey to the hem of His garment.
PARABLES COURSE | Nice little stories or subversive arrows that turn things upside-down? Feb 10th, 17th, 24th 6.30-9pm
ECCLESIASTES (3:1-8) | ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens’. We explore this wisdom for our lives.
ECCLESIASTES (3:1-8) | ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens’. We explore this wisdom for our lives.
ECCLESIASTES (3:1-8) | ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens’. We explore this wisdom for our lives.
DREAMS COURSE | Explore the mystery of being human through the wisdom of dreams. (4 wk course) Tuesdays: 8, 15, 22, 29 March
DREAMS COURSE | Explore the mystery of being human through the wisdom of dreams. See how dreams can be a road to wholeness and personal development. We will seek to understand how dreams work, including the opportunity to reflect on our own dreams with others.
THE CAVE, THE BLACKBIRD & THE MONSTER | A journey with the Christian contemplative, Saint Kevin.
THE CAVE, THE BLACKBIRD & THE MONSTER | A journey with the Christian contemplative, Saint Kevin.
LENT RETREAT | We explore this compelling journey into the wilderness with Christ…
LENT RETREAT | We explore this compelling journey into the wilderness with Christ… Sat 9th April 2-5pm
IGNATIAN TRAINING| For individuals and groups who want to train in Ignatian imaginative guided prayer.
IGNATIAN TRAINING| For individuals and groups who want to train in Ignatian imaginative guided prayer.
(REPEAT) THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD | Br Lawrence’s wisdom on prayer as part of our daily lives. (3 Weeks) Thursday evenings: May 12, 19, 26 6.30-9pm
(REPEAT) THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD | Br Lawrence’s wisdom on prayer as part of our daily lives.
(3 Weeks) Thursday evenings: May 12, 19, 26 6.30-9pm